The associate editors are expected to encourage potential authors to submit papers of sufficient quality. We will gladly welcome the recommendation of at least 1 manuscript per editor per year. We are in a constant search of qualified reviewers. Please send us queries regarding the possibility of a particular review in your area(s) of interest. You may also bring new potential reviewers to our attention. Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated. We will not burden the associate editors with more than three reviews per year. We have, however, no intention of imposing any limitations on the number of edited manuscripts. You are invited to take as active a part in the editorial process as you desire.


     As an editor, you will co-operate with the editor-in-chief and the secretary. You will supervise the entire editorial process for two issues per year. The process is triggered by the manuscript submission. You will notify the author of the submission's status, handle the reviewers' selection, and ensure the deadlines are met. You will provide the author with the review and editorial feedback. In the event of the article’s acceptance with only minor revision, you will also evaluate the revised manuscript. You should promptly convey your final verdict to the editorial secretary. You are expected to return the complete submission package. Each editor will evaluate up to three manuscripts per year.


     The reviewers should be aware of the guidelines for authors. A short, one-page review form should be completed for each manuscript submitted. Although non-anonymous reviews are preferred, we will respect requests to remain anonymous. You should check the review form at the appropriate place in order to have your name withheld from the author. Manuscripts accepted with minor revision will be processed at the discretion of the editorial staff. We reserve the right to return the paper for subsequent review(s) if the modifications are extensive. If you advise the editor of your recommendation for rejection, be sure to substantiate your evaluation with specific comments and concerns. We will welcome additional remarks on your overall impressions and major shortcomings of the manuscript. You can include your conclusions in the reviewer's form, as well as embed them in the original text.

     Review form can be downloaded from here: doc version, pdf version.


     Download guidelines for authors in pdf version.

Download guidelines.
Guidelines document can be downloaded from here:

  • pdf version

    Download review form.
    Review form can be downloaded from here:

  • doc version,
  • pdf version

  • Contact


    Postal address:
    Tadeusz A. Przylibski
    Wroclaw University of Technology
    Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology
    Wybrzeże S. Wyspiańskiego 27
    50-370 Wroclaw, Poland

    More information here.